Sky High Athletic Center Rules

Doors will open one hour prior to 1st match.


Park in stalls only located in the front, on the south side and in back of Sky High. Limited parking on Exchange Drive. See signs. No parking in the Urban Air parking lot across from Sky High. Urban Air will tow anyone violating this policy. 


  • $10.00 admission
  • Children 12 & Under, and  Seniors 65 & older are free.


No Outside food is allowed in Sky High. Water Bottles Only!

  • Anyone violating this will be asked to leave the facility 
  • Alcohol is prohibited

Concessions are available with plenty of healthy options.


  • No Outside Chairs/Stadium Seats allowed
  • Bleachers are available 

Tournament Play Information

  • Warm ups 2-4-4
  • All matches will have a first referee provided
  • Teams supply R2, flip score, 2 line judges and a libero tracker
  • No eating, no phones or headsets while working on the courts
  • Players on the bench (including water bottles) must stay off playing surface.
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